Friday! Giggedy!

Instructor today was sick so it was a make up your own workout on the fly day. No prob. My upper body is still really stiff from wednesday, so I made it more of a lower body thing.
The workout was 3 times through of:
20 deadlifts (35 Lb)
20 side step ups with knee raise (both sides)
20 lawn mower pulls (each side, 13 Lb)
20 deep goblet squats (13 Lb)
20 "kettlebell" swings (25 Lb)
20 side raise crunches (each side, 25 Lb)
20 hanging ab crunches
Then 30 minutes on the hill endurance program of the elliptical and that was that.
I am tired, but I feel good!

J and I spent last night scheming and have a plan to build his stage now from suspended spandex pieces. Should be able to do the set for less than $300 and now that it's all planned out, once we build it the first time it'll be smooth sailing. We may end up with too much fabric, since it stretches and I haven't worked with it on a large scale before but you can create some really cool shapes with it that really look amazing when you shine some LED coloured lights on them. It's fun to scheme :) I like when I get to build stuff with J...his boss said they haveminimal budget for a set so we're doing this and pitching in what we have to ourselves to make him amazed at what we can do. I think, unless we're really REALLY uncoordinated, it should look great! I'll take some pictures once it's built and lit...

Must dash. So glad it's friday, but it's another full day. I feel awesome - had my monthly scale check and I'm quite stellar! Definitely back down form the christmas indulgences, and my muscle tone is really coming back in my back and arms. It's very encouraging :)

I stumbled across this band last night on a friend's recommendation. It's "electroswing" music. Soo Very Catchy. I'm thinking I'll be picking up this album very soon. I love this kinda stuff!

And, I'm off! Have a fantastic weekend guys!!!

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