Day two...OU

This morning was day 2 of Operation Uberfrau. I came in bright and early to do arm, shoulder and back weight work and then went swimming for 25 minutes. It just snowed here (goodbye fall) so it was nice to slip into the warm pool for some laps. I still use flippers, but I love it. It's very relaxing for me, even though it's hard work!

I tried the cottage cheese as a pre-workout pre-breakfast again and it seems to be OK for me. I remembered my protein shake for after and had a healthy breakfast as well. I have healthy foods all day and it's gonna be a long day, so I'm glad for the energy I have right now.

I made quinoa for the first time last night...had it with some curried lentils. YUM. I love the nutty flavour and the texture. It's simpler to make than rice and I suck at making rice, so it will definitely be on the menu at least once a week here at Casa Geo. There's enough leftover for a nice salad with beans and corn for lunches. A bit of a change up from my salads recently. Mmmm...

I can tell I did full leg work yesterday. My legs are's been a while! I'm happy to report there is not a single issue from my knee. I guess the 6 weeks of prep and strengthening with a few weights and swimming has helped -my doctor does know what she's talking about :)

Have a great day everyone :)

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