Busy busy...lazy lazy

Yup...this working all day working all night thing is exhausting. I didn't run this morning, BUT I did walk to work AND walk and extra 20 minutes to my friends house to check on her cat before work. So, a 50 minute walk is OK...not quite the same as a run...but that is for tomorrow (promise). Today was cold and crummy (~3 degrees) and I couldn't drag my ass out of bed until too late to run and stretch and still make it to work.

I'm a little bummed out as some of my race team members didn't get their pledges in on time or forgot their race fee so we don't get team shirts...*sniff*. I put in so much work to be sure I exceeded my pledge goal by the deadline...and no shirt for me. We might see if we can get our own made up, or ge them early and iron on some letters or something...bummer. The whole reason I joined a team for the race was to get a team shirt.
Oh well...I've still raised over $200 for a great cause, and running 5K will be a good thing for my bottom. Instead of my usual walky runny thing I'm going to see if I can run the whole race...even if it's slowly. Last 5K race I nearly did...wonder if I can now?

Incidentally, my loving (and hopefully not imaginary) readers, if you want to pledge to the breast cancer run, please do. It's for an amazing cause. If you want to pledge to me that's fine too, but it's the cause that's important. Please go to the Run For The Cure link on the right of my weblog and follow the links...pretty please ?

1 comment:

Rimshot said...

Geo: You have officially become my 'walky runny' inspiration.

A year from next month, I will be running my very fist marathon (Chicago). Come hell or high water (although I imagine it'd be very hard to run through high water), I shall be fit and ready. For now its the treadmill in front of the TV, but I'll be coming here to get my booster shots.

One thing: your profile says you're NOT working on a cure for cancer, but then you go and post about running for the cure. Mixed signals? Maybe you ARE creating that monster after all and this is just a smokescreen. The running is really just so you'll be able to escape once the monster is lose, isn't it?